Thanks for keeping up with my blog! It really means a lot to me! I want to talk about how your confidence can make a difference in this world. It's hard to think of yourself as someone who can change the world. But there are small changes necessary as well as big ones. There are so many problems in our society...economic problems, health issues, political corruption, and a lack of peace and consistency. People cheat and lie. They only care about themselves. New problems keep surfacing and old ones are complained about again. Obviously, people are working on solutions, but noone can say that that's enough. Wouldn't it be great if everyone pitched in a little bit and actually solved problems? So why aren't these changes happening? People are beautiful. The world is full of good people. But unfortunately, YOU don't believe that you can make a change that society will appreciate. You think you don't have the capabilities or you're not smart enough. You think noone will listen to you. And you're probably right if you're thinking of overturning the government or abolishing the money system. But you do have something that you're good at. That you enjoy doing. Maybe you're even really passionate about it. But you are definitely better at it than many people around you. It doesn't matter what other people consider an accomplishment. Who are the people who are looked up to? People who have a lot of money, singers, actors, people in the entertainment industry, politicians. And that's what most of us aspire to be. Because it's familiar. We know that if we are well known on TV, people will look up to us. But why be boring and do something that thousands of people have already done? Another singer? Another actor? There are a million other ways to make a difference. Why aspire to be a great singer when there is something else you are better at? It can be building lego, or juggling, or climbing a tree. Some people have exceptional skills like a heightened sense of smell, great organizational skills, or a good listening ear. Any talent or skill, if used to its full capacity, can make an impact on people. You can inspire people through your talent or teach people your skill. I'm sure you've dreamed of doing this, but you haven't. Let me tell you. You are capable of a lot more than you think. Success comes from belief in yourself and perseverance. You cannot doubt yourself. You want to make a difference in this world. You want to show people that you matter. You want your voice to be heard. Guess what? The world is waiting to hear your voice. People are thirsty for inspiration and positive change. Next time, I will talk about how you can make that decision to make a difference. It's really simple actually. So make sure to check back.
Below, I have posted a video that I recently did. I'm hoping to do more videos, especially on topics I REALLY want to talk about. Check it out!
I'd love to hear your comments!
Bye 'til next time,
Kim H. Bliss
About Me

- Kim Bliss
- Brooklyn, New York, United States
- I love life and I love people! I am a very passionate person, which comes through in my modeling career. I know I don't have the perfect body, but I am confident with my curves and am proud of who I am. I am a successful model because I am confident and I believe I look great on camera. That's what it's all about. And that's how I look at everything in the world. It's all about believing in yourself. There are so many misconceptions people live by. People create their own limitations because they don't believe in themselves. I want to change that. I want people to realize how beautiful they each are. And to see that there is no limit to what they can accomplish. When I do something, I like to do it fully. I help people out with all sorts of problems and struggles they have. I have been through a lot myself, so I understand. But I want to help people on a large scale. I believe I can convince people to hop on this journey with me, as we discover the vast possibilities we all have. I have a dream, and I will pursue it until I achieve it. I believe in myself!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Compliment Others!
Hey everybody!
I want to continue on the topic I spoke about last. Since confidence is so important, why don't we all do whatever is in our power to give other people confidence?!? A simple compliment can go such a long way. You lose absolutely nothing by giving a compliment. It doesn't in any way take away from your greatness. But it can change a person's perspective on themselves. And they will look up to you and appreciate you for it! Think about the last time you got a compliment. Think about what it did for you. Sometimes, we have a hard time admitting it, but compliments mean the world to us. If we all gave one extra compliment a day, think about how much more confident this world would be! Join me in looking for opportunities to give compliments. Don't hesitate when a complimenting thought pops into your head. Just say it! Those few words will go such a long way!
This doesn't mean that you should rely on compliments to boost your confidence. You may have talents or capabilities that people are not even aware of and therefore cannot compliment you on. That doesn't mean you don't possess those qualities. And of course, people are the way we know they are. People find it hard to give compliments, so don't expect them to come zooming your way. The best way to get compliments coming, is to start complimenting others. When someone gets a compliment, they naturally think of complimenting the person back. Try it!
Let's all join together to pass the compliments around. Give one extra compliment a day. And when the person thanks you, tell them to pass the compliment on to another person. Let's get a compliment chain going and we'll make this world a better, happier place!
Keep smiling,
I want to continue on the topic I spoke about last. Since confidence is so important, why don't we all do whatever is in our power to give other people confidence?!? A simple compliment can go such a long way. You lose absolutely nothing by giving a compliment. It doesn't in any way take away from your greatness. But it can change a person's perspective on themselves. And they will look up to you and appreciate you for it! Think about the last time you got a compliment. Think about what it did for you. Sometimes, we have a hard time admitting it, but compliments mean the world to us. If we all gave one extra compliment a day, think about how much more confident this world would be! Join me in looking for opportunities to give compliments. Don't hesitate when a complimenting thought pops into your head. Just say it! Those few words will go such a long way!
This doesn't mean that you should rely on compliments to boost your confidence. You may have talents or capabilities that people are not even aware of and therefore cannot compliment you on. That doesn't mean you don't possess those qualities. And of course, people are the way we know they are. People find it hard to give compliments, so don't expect them to come zooming your way. The best way to get compliments coming, is to start complimenting others. When someone gets a compliment, they naturally think of complimenting the person back. Try it!
Let's all join together to pass the compliments around. Give one extra compliment a day. And when the person thanks you, tell them to pass the compliment on to another person. Let's get a compliment chain going and we'll make this world a better, happier place!
Keep smiling,
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Welcome to my Blog!
Hey all!
I'm so excited to start my blog! I've got so much to say and I'm happy to have a place where I can talk to the world! I hope you all like what I have to say, and of course, my photos. I will keep posting new photos and keep telling you what's on my mind, so you better come back and check it all out! If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!!
So here I go...
One of the main things on my mind, is confidence. I believe that confidence is everything. If you believe in yourself, then you can achieve anything and everything. Nobody invented something big or made a big change in the world, without believing that it was something great! The way you look at yourself, is how others will look at you. It is a reflection, just like when you look at your reflection in a pool of water. If people see that you believe in yourself, then they in turn will believe in you. If they see that you are insecure, they will automatically think that you have something to be insecure about, and they won't look up to you. It isn't easy to always be confident, but you have to remember that it is the key to everything. You can screw up sometimes, but still get back to your confident self when you are ready. Every day is a struggle, but if you keep working on it, confidence will come more and more naturally to you. I myself have a struggle with confidence. I have to keep telling myself how wonderful and beautiful and smart I am. And I get down on myself from time to time. But I keep reminding myself of how great I am and I think about how much I want to accomplish, and I boost myself up. It helps to have lots of sexy modeling pictures to look at ;)
I have known this for a while, but I have to say, since I started modeling, it has been a lot easier. I go to photoshoots with the attitude that I have this crazy sex appeal that the camera loves and I flaunt it! It is easier when the photographers compliment me, which they usually do. Either way, all I think about is how sexy I am. I get so into the zone that the raw emotion shows through. And that is how I produce such beautiful images. After I finish shooting, and especially once I see the images, my confidence rises. I feel great about what I accomplished. Doing something great is always an awesome way of boosting your confidence. Everyone is great at something. Focus on what you can do well and flaunt it. Be proud of it! And you will see how people will look up to you for it!
In the future, I plan on talking about tips on keeping your confidence up. I will go into detail and add some personal stories as well. So keep checking back!
Keep smiling :)
I'm so excited to start my blog! I've got so much to say and I'm happy to have a place where I can talk to the world! I hope you all like what I have to say, and of course, my photos. I will keep posting new photos and keep telling you what's on my mind, so you better come back and check it all out! If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!!
So here I go...
One of the main things on my mind, is confidence. I believe that confidence is everything. If you believe in yourself, then you can achieve anything and everything. Nobody invented something big or made a big change in the world, without believing that it was something great! The way you look at yourself, is how others will look at you. It is a reflection, just like when you look at your reflection in a pool of water. If people see that you believe in yourself, then they in turn will believe in you. If they see that you are insecure, they will automatically think that you have something to be insecure about, and they won't look up to you. It isn't easy to always be confident, but you have to remember that it is the key to everything. You can screw up sometimes, but still get back to your confident self when you are ready. Every day is a struggle, but if you keep working on it, confidence will come more and more naturally to you. I myself have a struggle with confidence. I have to keep telling myself how wonderful and beautiful and smart I am. And I get down on myself from time to time. But I keep reminding myself of how great I am and I think about how much I want to accomplish, and I boost myself up. It helps to have lots of sexy modeling pictures to look at ;)
I have known this for a while, but I have to say, since I started modeling, it has been a lot easier. I go to photoshoots with the attitude that I have this crazy sex appeal that the camera loves and I flaunt it! It is easier when the photographers compliment me, which they usually do. Either way, all I think about is how sexy I am. I get so into the zone that the raw emotion shows through. And that is how I produce such beautiful images. After I finish shooting, and especially once I see the images, my confidence rises. I feel great about what I accomplished. Doing something great is always an awesome way of boosting your confidence. Everyone is great at something. Focus on what you can do well and flaunt it. Be proud of it! And you will see how people will look up to you for it!
In the future, I plan on talking about tips on keeping your confidence up. I will go into detail and add some personal stories as well. So keep checking back!
Keep smiling :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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