About Me

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
I love life and I love people! I am a very passionate person, which comes through in my modeling career. I know I don't have the perfect body, but I am confident with my curves and am proud of who I am. I am a successful model because I am confident and I believe I look great on camera. That's what it's all about. And that's how I look at everything in the world. It's all about believing in yourself. There are so many misconceptions people live by. People create their own limitations because they don't believe in themselves. I want to change that. I want people to realize how beautiful they each are. And to see that there is no limit to what they can accomplish. When I do something, I like to do it fully. I help people out with all sorts of problems and struggles they have. I have been through a lot myself, so I understand. But I want to help people on a large scale. I believe I can convince people to hop on this journey with me, as we discover the vast possibilities we all have. I have a dream, and I will pursue it until I achieve it. I believe in myself!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Compliment Others!

Hey everybody!

I want to continue on the topic I spoke about last. Since confidence is so important, why don't we all do whatever is in our power to give other people confidence?!? A simple compliment can go such a long way. You lose absolutely nothing by giving a compliment. It doesn't in any way take away from your greatness. But it can change a person's perspective on themselves. And they will look up to you and appreciate you for it! Think about the last time you got a compliment. Think about what it did for you. Sometimes, we have a hard time admitting it, but compliments mean the world to us. If we all gave one extra compliment a day, think about how much more confident this world would be! Join me in looking for opportunities to give compliments. Don't hesitate when a complimenting thought pops into your head. Just say it! Those few words will go such a long way!
This doesn't mean that you should rely on compliments to boost your confidence. You may have talents or capabilities that people are not even aware of and therefore cannot compliment you on. That doesn't mean you don't possess those qualities. And of course, people are the way we know they are. People find it hard to give compliments, so don't expect them to come zooming your way. The best way to get compliments coming, is to start complimenting others. When someone gets a compliment, they naturally think of complimenting the person back. Try it!
Let's all join together to pass the compliments around. Give one extra compliment a day. And when the person thanks you, tell them to pass the compliment on to another person. Let's get a compliment chain going and we'll make this world a better, happier place!

Keep smiling,

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